lousy with crabs expression

. matter what it is. the culture is lousy with the whole nerd-cum-rockstar thing. ... If you could just mentally apply the phrase "Because soshulism! ... part of why they accept things is because we act like crabs when someone.
This term originated on a Baidu discussion forum, and describes someone who is .. a very annoying or obnoxious person, something that is extremely lousy.
The phrase "triple-cunted hooker" makes a number of appearances. ... he acknowledged his complaints about lousy adventure games that involved carrying.
Sep 12, 2011. These crabs, this time, were NOT my fault. This whole. Ray: "Were you gonna say 'lousy with 'em'?". Rip: ".where that phrase comes from?".
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A Series Of Unfortunate Events - Television Tropes & Idioms.
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Recent Movers - Outrageous Aussie Sayings.
lousy with crabs expression
GrrlScientist + Plants | Science | The Guardian.lousy with crabs expression
Arrested [chat]velopment - Page 29 - Penny Arcade Forums.
[3F04] Treehouse of Horror VI.
also using the expressions "hellaaa, hellaaa, hellaaa" for "testicles," and. and will react with devastation at the mere suggestion that she is a lousy actress. .. where she read out prescriptions of medicines loudly which included crabs.
They are the only means at their disposal for the expression of their subversive fears and frustrations. .. "The Soldier's Prayer", "The Lousy Lance-Corporal", " The Foreskin Fusiliers", .. And crabs as big as spiders attack your balls a treat;.
Sid Cherem translates the phrase back into English and explains to Miss ... He can't believe the lousy carpenter would speak to Don Nepomuceno that way. .. the fisherman, who's just emptied his last basketful of crabs into Hector's cart.
'Recent Movers' List. These are the up-and-coming sayings, the.